Stem Kits For Students

STEM Kits for Students™ is a non-profit 501c3 formed with the goal of advancing STEM education through the distribution of “ready-to-use” STEM kits for use by students and teachers in grades 1-8. Each STEM Kit has one or more science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics related experiments that are fun, easy to perform successfully, and based on Next Generation Science Standards. Each STEM Kit also has an accompanying YouTube video that explains how to utilize the kit as well as the STEM principles behind it.

Our STEM Kits can be ordered by request and are available to any in-need schools, teachers, or students. If you are a student or teacher in grades 1-8 and interested in STEM kits for your school, club, organization, please see the STEM Kits page and review our FAQ page.

You can also read more about our mission and story here.